There’s something called a Tea Party Movement happening in the US. My understanding from reading a bit about it is that it is comprised of people who think we need to go back to Bush’s policies in order to get out of the recession that was caused by Bush’s policies. The organizers behind it are “conservatives”, such as Fox News. (I used quotation marks because I don’t think today’s “conservatives” have any understanding of conservatism. But I digress.)
And speaking of digressions: I wonder what the present value would be of all the tea we tossed into the harbor, lo these many years ago. Just wondering. Good tea is pricey, after all.
But this Tea Party thing concerns me in another way. I don’t know if people have noticed or not, but President Obama, the times I’ve seen him, has not been playing the blame game. He has bent over backwards to not blame his predecessor (George W. Bush, for those who may have forgotten) for the ills faced by our country. Even as he spent the first 10 minutes in office reversing all those executive orders.
The word is Class, and it’s something that has been noticeably absent from politics for, um, a while.
But the GOP, instead of praising, or even acknowledging it, is instead moving to capitalize on it. (Get it? Capitalize?) It seems that the Tea Movement is the first step in shifting the blame onto Obama, by taking advantage of the fact that he doesn’t seem to want to play dirty.
Now, for the intelligent in this country, such as myself, this is not a credible threat. I see through it, thus it has no effect.
But what we keep underestimating is the vast sea of genetic curiosities who are, believe it or not, actually registered to vote. They’re out there, folks. They are the reason I bemoan the anti-poker legislation this country has passed. Those were good times. All in with 6-2 offsuit. Really.
But now they are being whipped into a frenzy, with talk of revolution. The GOP leadership (by which I mean Rush Limbaugh) is behind it. Which, in my book, constitutes evidence that their ideology is unsound. Rational presentation of their case has stopped working, so now they have to do this. At no point does it enter their minds that some of their ideas might actually be wrong.
And the longer-view prospects are dim. Should they succeed, class (remember class? This is an article about class) will be forever removed from the political arena, because it just doesn’t work. So think about that. And if you know some of the aforementioned curiosities who cannot think, just start a cult and invite them all in.
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